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The Mission of the Church

“The Mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. The Church pursues its mission as it prays and worships, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.”

The Book of Common Prayer, pp. 855-856


St. Peter’s Mission…Love God and our Neighbor. Make Disciples for Christ.
St. Peter's Cathedral, as the cathedral church of the Diocese of Montana, proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ as a sign of God’s deep and abiding love for every person, calling each to a personal and transformational relationship through the Risen Christ.  St. Peter's carries out this mission through joyous and powerful worship that draws us close to God; through teaching the stories, the ways and the love of God as presented by Jesus; and through serving others nearby and far away, with the abiding assistance of the Holy Spirit in all things.


Our Duty as Christians
The duty of each Christian “is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; to work, pray and give for the spread of the Kingdom of God.”


The ministry of each baptized person is... 

          to represent Christ and His Church;

          to bear witness to Christ wherever they may be;

          according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world;

          and to participate in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.”

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